San Diego News Fix

What primary education will look like in the fall | Kristen Taketa

Episode Summary

School districts are getting ready to reopen this fall, and many plan to let parents choose what kind of schooling they want for their kids — normal in-person school, online learning, or a blended model that combines both.

Episode Notes

School districts are getting ready to reopen this fall, and many plan to let parents choose what kind of schooling they want for their kids — normal in-person school, online learning, or a blended model that combines both.

A county health order issued Monday allows schools in San Diego County to hold classes on campus as long as they comply with state reopening guidelines and post detailed reopening plans.

Several San Diego County school districts anticipate some version of blended learning, with part of their instruction taking place on campus in smaller than usual classes and the rest occurring at home online.

Some districts say they may also offer a parallel track consisting exclusively of online instruction for students who need stricter health protections or whose parents prefer a more cautious approach.

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Related: County officials to schools: Prepare for students to wear masks